PANDORA's Box of Tools
The output of this project will be synthesized to produce PANDORA’s box of tools for industry, management, policy and fisheries scientists.
The toolbox will be an interactive website including a variety of resources ranging from simple meta-data and links to preexisting tools to more complex, front-end platforms for displaying outputs from improved assessment and economic models (e.g. short- to long-term changes in distribution and/or productivity of fish stocks as well as economic trade-offs associated with different management strategies).
Tools included will be based on scoping exercises with fisheries industry, managers and policy makers and will be specific to a variety of audiences such as
- improved code for stock assessment models for fisheries scientists,
- region- and stock-specific decision support tools for managers (RFMOs),
- data portals for fishers,
- online training lectures,
- best-practice manuals (e.g. survey and commercial data collection techniques, stock-specific optimal survey designs), and
- a publication library.
An access link to PANDORA's Box of Tools will be made available here as soon as possible.