Cooperation with stakeholders
„Throughout the entire duration of the project,
PANDORA relies on close cooperation with the stakeholders
identified as most relevant in terms of its research questions and project goals.“
(PANDORA Project Proposal)
It is the aim of PANDORA to address important, practical, and region-specific research gaps for European fisheries. Crucial for the success of this endeavour is an overall approach that - from the start - engages with key stakeholders from Europe's fisheries and assesses their perspectives on the topics that we are researching. The key stakeholder groups in PANDORA are:
The integration with producer organisations, NGOs and policy makers in PANDORA will ensure continued participation, co-ownership and uptake of project results by these important stakeholders. Instead of the ‘classical’ approach of generating new knowledge and disseminating it afterwards to relevant stakeholders, PANDORA relies heavily on the processs of co-creation through communication with its stakeholders at each stage of the project.
Stakeholder activities in PANDORA
Throughout the lifetime of the project, we will conduct questionnaire surveys, do face-to-face interviews, and arrange a series of 3 stakeholder WORKSHOPS in each case study region. In addition to these workshops, there will be numerous other events that will allow stakeholders to get in touch with PANDORA regionally. Upcoming STAKEHOLDER EVENTS will regularly be displayed in the event calendar of our website. Moreover, TRAINING COURSES will be created both by sciensts for fishers, but also by fishers for scientists. Topics of these courses will, for example, be industry self-sampling. In its entirety, the PANDORA stakeholder approach has the following aims and envisioned outcomes:
If would like to stay up to date regarding our project results and stakeholder events, do not hesitate to get in touch with us. You can either contact our coordinator or
sign up for our stakeholder database
to receive information about news upcoming stakeholder events in your region!